Thursday, January 29, 2015

What's the most widespread disability in the world?

Think about that for a minute... The answer may surprise you: the most widespread disability on the planet, by far, is VISION IMPAIRMENT.  3/4 of all Americans use some form of corrective lenses, but if you travel overseas to undeveloped places you rarely see anyone wearing glasses... Why? These populations have little or no access to vision screening, and no money to purchase what they need.  None of the hundreds of girls MBB works with in Haiti and South Sudan wear glasses; surely they will have a better chance of academic success when they actually see the blackboard or read without eyestrain.

Mercy Beyond Borders is partnering with Lions In Sight of California, a nonprofit project of Lions Club International.  Together we will bring a group of optometrists and opticians to screen the vision of 1,000 children in the town of Gros Morne, Haiti, during April and to provide free eyeglasses to those who could benefit.  We can hardly wait to SEE the results!

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