Thursday, June 7, 2012

On the Road

There is some truth to the ol' "Flying Nun" image: over the past 6 months I have visited South Sudan and Haiti, and represented Mercy Beyond Borders by giving numerous presentations in Canada, Australia and throughout the United States: Illinois,  Georgia, Pennsylvania, California, Kentucky and Indiana, to name a few!  Always in the hope of raising awareness about our Mercy Beyond Borders mission and of raising funds where feasible. Each audience is unique. One day it's hundreds of healthcare execs and the next day it's a parish book club.  Sometimes it's a university commencement speech in front of thousands, and sometimes it's a girls' leadership club comprised of a few dozen 4th and 5th graders in an elementary school.  It's all good!  Though I am still waiting for Oprah to call (apparently she doesn't yet realize she needs to meet me!), I am always energized by the willingness of listeners to become involved in our work.  In this pix I am speaking to 450 high school teachers and administrators in Melbourne; and as you read this I am  meeting our young MBB Scholars in Haiti....

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