Well, my name isn't Waldo, but I do travel the world to promote the mission of Mercy Beyond Borders. In any typical month, you''ll find me in at least 4 or 5 airports, speaking at schools or conferences or church groups or book clubs... (or to just about anyone who will listen!).
I'm passionate about the women and girls we work with in South Sudan and Haiti, and I have great photos and stories to share. If you know of any group that would like to invite me to speak, just let me know. But here's the deal: the sponsor has to pay my way and provide a stipend for MBB. (And by the way, if you know Oprah, please put in a good word for MBB!)
In two days I'll be on my way to northern Haiti again. And next month, South Sudan. Thank you so much for supporting this work!
Sand Storms in Sudan
13 years ago