No, they're not Tibetan prayer flags catching a breeze from the Himalayas. They are the stuff of ordinary life in Haiti: bright-hued clothes hung out to dry on an unfinished roof beneath a sultry sky. But who's to say these splashes of cotton and color are not prayer flags, after all? Today they flap on a line atop one of our MBB Scholars' Boarding Lodges. Tomorrow they will clothe our MBB Scholars as they walk to school, learn new things, share meals and grapple with homework. Simple, humble, uncomplicated pieces of clothing. They teach us how to pray.
Hey, you: OLD WOMAN! This girl's name is Abuba, which means Old Woman. We don't know why her parents gave her such an unusual monniker. We do know she's happy to be studying at St Bakhita School in South Sudan with hundreds of other girls supported by Mercy Beyond Borders.
Let's hope she stay healthy and lives long, thriving and growing into her name!
As you read this, I'm packing to fly to Haiti. If it were just my own stuff, I could go with a back-pack slung over my shoulder. But no, I dare not arrive to Gros Morne without supplies for our Mercy Beyond Borders projects!
So I'll be hauling suitcases filled with donated sewing supplies for our Women's Center, toner and ink cartridges for the local MBB office, computer accessories, special requests by volunteers working there, etc. etc. And of course, a package or two of sweet munchies for the wonderful MBB staff. I'll head for the airport murmuring heartfelt thanks to whoever invented rolling suitcase wheels!