There was a time within living memory when air travel was very special and somewhat exotic. Passengers dressed up for their trips . This was, of course, before Homeland Security stepped in and we were reduced to emptying our pockets and stripping off shoes and jackets and allowing our bodies as well as our belongings to be scrutinized and x-rayed. The days of exotic flying are long gone.
But for someone who has never traveled internationally, there is still a thrill to it! This week MBB sponsored Shanas, to California to meet with our Board and donors. They arrived from South Sudan via Lodwar, Nairobi, Amsterdam, Portland and SFO, a bit bedraggled but nonetheless enthralled by the airports they saw en route and the strange food served on their various flights.
Shanas is one of MBB's first Scholarship alums, now a teacher in South Sudan. Sr Susan is the staff member responsible for the hundreds of young girls boarding at St Bakhita Primary School.