Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gate 46

This morning I am sitting at Gate 46 in the Delta terminal at SFO. There is nothing unusual about this. Today, I’m headed to Minnesota to give several presentations about Mercy Beyond Borders. Next week, it will be Michigan.  Then Ohio. Then Haiti. In between the trips, I spend a few days in California, working at the MBB office , catching up on correspondence, meeting with colleagues--or doing laundry.
 In truth, I am not what you would call a good traveler: My stomach doesn’t like “weather.” The dry recirculated air in the planes causes bouts of sneezing sufficient to alarm my seatmates. And sitting is my least favorite position. Despite this, I am happy. Every trip means more people hearing about our MBB mission . Every new listener is a potential ally.  Every new ally brings resources to improve the lives of women and girls in S.Sudan and Haiti. What’s not to like? 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Local Pharmacy

Since independence 21 months ago, commerce has picked up inside South Sudan. More and more goods and services--mostly imported from Uganda and Kenya--have become available, at least in the major towns.  However, this is not to imply that the needs of the people, particularly the poor, are being met.
Here we see a pharmacy on the main street in Rumbek, the 3rd largest town in the country. It's not exactly well-stocked and didn't inspire my confidence; but for people who have lived without any medical care for so long, this represents welcome progress.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Frisbees have come to St Bakhita School in South Sudan!  Here the girls enjoy "being thrown a curve."  Never mind the blazing sun or the hot sand. Keep your eyes on that aeronautic marvel, the fluorescent yellow spinning disc!
Females who do not go to school never get a chance to play, never know the sheer exhilaration of exerting oneself in team sports like (volleyball) or futbol.
For me it is real joy to see girls freely enjoying themselves during their school break times.  It never happens out in their home villages, where girls know only tedious manual work, work, work.  So besides gifting these young women with scholarships for education, your support of Mercy Beyond Borders literally gifts them with the fun and freedom that children everywhere deserve.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Reason for a Flower

This young girl at St Bakhita Primary School in South Sudan was mesmerized by the content and color in this book from the school's new library, established by an MBB volunteer. 

While she learns how and why flowers blossom, we see all the students here blossoming through the gift of education. Education opens their eyes to the world. Education opens a path for their own gifts to develop. Education opens a future for them -- a future that will sidestep the dangers and drudgery of early marriage.
[Photo by  librarian J. Lynch]