This morning I am sitting at Gate 46 in the Delta terminal
at SFO. There is nothing unusual about this. Today, I’m headed to Minnesota to
give several presentations about Mercy Beyond Borders. Next week, it will be
Michigan. Then Ohio. Then Haiti. In
between the trips, I spend a few days in California, working at the MBB office
, catching up on correspondence, meeting with colleagues--or doing laundry.
In truth, I am not
what you would call a good traveler: My stomach doesn’t like “weather.” The dry
recirculated air in the planes causes bouts of sneezing sufficient to alarm my
seatmates. And sitting is my least
favorite position. Despite this, I am happy. Every trip means more people
hearing about our MBB mission . Every new listener is a potential ally. Every new ally brings resources to improve
the lives of women and girls in S.Sudan and Haiti. What’s not to like?